Weaving International Fashion 2024

A night of wonder and giving

Join us for "Weaving International Fashion – National Dress Catwalk", a charity event presented by Young Diplomats in London (YDL). Held in the vibrant heart of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, this captivating fashion show celebrates the rich cultural tapestry of our community. Supported by Cllr Preety Hudd, Mayor of the Borough, and Cllr Dori Schmetterling, Deputy Mayor, this event promises to foster understanding and appreciation among diplomatic and local communities alike. Each ensemble serves as a window into a nation's heritage, with proceeds supporting The Felix Project and The Kids for Kids charities. Don't miss the inauguration of what promises to become an annual tradition.

Saturday, 11 May 2024 from 17:30 to 22:00

The Great Hall, Kensington Town Hall, Hornton St, London W8 7NX


Join us for an evening of cultural celebration and charity at the "Weaving International Fashion – National Dress Catwalk" event. The schedule includes two parts of a captivating fashion show, intermingled with breaks for networking and refreshments. Following the show, attendees can enjoy a post-show networking event where international cuisine, drinks, and cultural items will be available for purchase. Don't miss the chance to capture memorable moments with models in national costumes at our photo booths. Stay till the end for the raffle prize draw and the announcement of silent auction winners. It's an event not to be missed!

17:30 - 18:00 Registration with welcome drinks

18:00 - 18:15 Opening remarks

18:15 - 19:00 FASHION SHOW Part I

19:00 - 19:15 Break

19:15 - 20:00 FASHION SHOW Part II

20:00 - 22:00: Post-Show Networking Event

  • Enjoy international cuisine, drinks, and cultural items.

  • Capture memorable snapshots at our photo booths with models showcasing national costumes, immersing yourself in a cultural experience throughout the event.

20:30: Raffle Prize & Announcement of Silent Auction Winners

22:00: Closing

Our Sponsors and Partners


The Felix Project

Right now, millions of people in the UK regularly experience hunger. Yet tonnes of surplus fresh food is thrown away every day. Inspired by Felix, we set out to change this. No one should have to miss a meal.

The Felix Project collects fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold. We deliver this surplus food to charities and schools so they can provide healthy meals and help the most vulnerable in our society.

The Kids for Kids

KIDS FOR KIDS transforms the lives of the forgotten children of Darfur, Sudan. There is no water, no electricity, no roads, little education – and no health care. Children live in huts made of straw, they sleep directly on the sand. Water is miles away across the desert, and this year they face starvation in the wake of the worst drought for years followed by devastating floods. Children are hungry, thirsty and living in conditions that shouldn’t exist in the 21st Century. We must do something now.

Our Mission

Celebrate Diversity

We aim to cultivate a vibrant sense of community by embracing cultural differences and promote cultural understanding

Support Charity

We aim to support a charity that strives to make the world a better place for those in need.

Building Community

We aim to bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and solidarity 

Contact Us

Contacts for donations & partnerships:

Munkhjargal Nergui (Muggi), Young Diplomats in London (YDL) via munkhjargal@embassyofmongolia.co.uk / Tel: 07525978668.

Joseph Hammond, Communications Director and Vice Chairman of the Commonwealth Africa Summit via communications@casevents.org

Press Contacts:

Taiwo Paul Meghoma, Spokesperson & Fashion Director: taiwomeghoma@hotmail.com /07894092405

Munkhjargal Nergui (Muggi), Donations & Partnership Coordinator: munkhjargal@embassyofmongolia.co.uk / 07525978668

Unurmaa Janchiv (Unro), Production & Technical Director: unurmaa.janchiv@gmail.com / 07888713429